Wu Dae
I am a professional DJ and entrepreneur in the music industry, specialising in the ‘Drum & Bass’ genre. I am head of High Tea Music, an organisation that acts as an event agency, record label and booking agency. I also compose/produce music myself.
I am originally from Canada and now live with my husband in The Hague, near WuDae. I met my husband while working in Johannesburg, South Africa.
If I had to describe myself, I would say that I am open, respectful and empathetic. I am 60 years old, have a 25 year old son and met my girl 8 years ago.
I have always been very interested in psychology, especially in the way people think and why we have certain thoughts.
I grew up with music. My mother is a conductor and my father a musician. In our house, as in the rest of the family, all kinds of musical instruments are played.
I am currently in a period of reflection. In this I find out that certain themes in my life keep coming back. One of those themes is that I am afraid not to do things right.
From the age of five I had the feeling that I was different from my sister and the girls in my class. While they were talking about The Backstreet Boys, I was secretly in love with all five women from a popular 90s girl band.
The most beautiful moment in my life was the birth of my son. Every parent is proud of their own child, of course, but I am convinced that I can pinch myself.
Before I started Wing Chun at WuDae, I was burnt out and panicked when I was in crowded places or when I got on a plane. Signs for me to look for a sport or outlet that could help me.
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