Why Self Defense?

Feel safer

Je feel good, feel safe and be able to protect yourself when needed. There are countless reasons why self-defense helps you in everyday life. A reason to start self-defense can be because someone doesn't always feel safe anymore. By reporting on the news and social media, aggression on the street or even intimidating and unpleasant work situations. People regularly sign up at WuDae The Hague for a free trial lesson to learn to go through life with confidence again.

The benefits of self-defense

Being able to self-defense makes you feel more confident and appear more self-aware to those around you. By practicing a self-defense sport such as the martial art Wing Chun Kung Fu, you will develop yourself, learn to stand up for yourself and feel safer in any situation.

It helps you to relax more easily and increase your resilience as well as your flexibility, satisfaction, strength and concentration. Moreover, you will notice that it increasingly enables you to properly assess the situations you find yourself in. Is there a threat? Then you know that you can master the situation with minimal effort.

Wing Chun Kung Fu

Wing Chun Kung Fu is one of the most effective self-defense styles. You optimize your body control and master the skills in such a way that your body moves automatically when necessary. In this way you learn to use the strength of your opponent against yourself with short and efficient movements.

At WuDae The Hague we train Wing Chun Kung Fu in groups. With more than 20 lessons per week, you get the chance to improve your skills and gradually achieve a higher degree in it. You train with different ages and levels, helping each other to progress in this beautiful sport. Due to the combination of technique and condition, you will soon notice that you are getting fitter and that you remain in better balance both physically and mentally.

Self-defense training in the center of The Hague

WuDae is easily accessible and is located in the center of The Hague. We are open six days a week for varied training sessions under the guidance of professional teachers. Every Saturday we organize a free trial class. During this introduction to Wing Chun, you will get a tour of the school and learn the basics of this style.

After class you will have the opportunity to participate in regular training with other members. This way you get to know the sport, the school and our members in a short time. Are you immediately as excited as we are? Then you simply register as a member, without paying a registration fee. We offer you a subscription that can be canceled monthly with which you can train unlimited.

Free trial class!

Are you ready? Register quickly for our free trial class! From a fun hobby to a sporting challenge, we tell you everything about Wing Chun. We take the time to answer your questions and give you the space and guidance to fully develop yourself.

Do you want to know more? Call us on 070 3884820 or fill in the contact form so that we can contact you.

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WuDae Den Haag
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