What is a fun martial art?

What is a nice martial art?

In the Netherlands you can choose from a variety of martial arts. Some commonly practiced sports include Judo, Karate, Kickboxing, Taekwondo, and Kung Fu. But what is a fun martial art to train? Which martial art suits you?

Each sport has specific qualities and can be offered differently per school. Kung Fu also has various styles. A well-known Kung Fu style from the south of China is the Wing Chun Kung Fu offered by us.

Effective and fun martial art

Wing Chun Kung Fu is a very effective and fun martial art to train. The biggest difference with other sports is that Wing Chun does not only attack or only defend, but both at the same time. It is a style that, with series of short, quick movements, is completely focused on self-defense, attacking defense.

In these movements there is a distinction between five distances: kick, punch, elbow / knee, clinch and ground. You learn to react quickly at all distances using your whole body. The aim of this style is to overpower your opponent with minimal effort.

What makes Wing Chun fun?

Perhaps the best thing about Wing Chun Kung Fu as a member of WuDae The Hague is the fact that you do this together. With the other members of our school, you train in groups to improve your skills. You help each other, develop together and become part of this cozy group of people.

Of course we can tell you all about the effects of Wing Chun Kung Fu and how they can make your life more fun. Even better is to leave this to one of our members. For example, Harry Zomerhuis says: “What I really like is that you can train when it suits you, because lessons are given six days a week in the morning, evening and at the weekend. There is no separate training for youth, beginners or advanced as in many gyms, everyone helps each other here.”

Desi Tamboer says: "There is a lot of personal attention during the lesson and after every lesson I learned something new. The atmosphere is very friendly and safe, and after the lesson people usually stick around for a while for a chat."

Lida Cen also indicates that the atmosphere is very pleasant. “Everyone is up for a chat and nothing feels forced. This is the main reason for me to keep training.”

Are you curious what Harry, Desi, Lida and other members have to say about our school? Then read the testimonials on our website or drop by for a free trial lesson. We are happy to tell you all about Wing Chun Kung Fu and are happy to answer your questions.

Free Trial Lesson Wing Chun Kung Fu!

Whether you are looking for a new hobby or a fun, challenging martial art, at WuDae Den Haag you will learn Kung Fu in a fun group of experienced teachers. We give you the space and guidance to fully develop yourself.

Do you want to know more? Call us on 070 3884820 or fill in the contact form so that we can contact you.

What is a fun martial art?
WuDae Den Haag
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